Dec 28, 2023Liked by Ruth Clark

I love this so much! I firmly believe a big part of what people consider hard about parenting is that it constantly requires you to confront your own emotions, and most people simply don’t know how to be with themselves. But being with your own emotions teaches kids how to be with theirs, and it’s beautiful to imagine a generation of people who can feel and process their feelings without fear 🥹

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Yes, exactly. Most adults don’t have the tools they’re asking small children to use. It’s wild! But so powerful when we can harness it. It really is beautiful to imagine! You’re such a good mama, Kristin. xo

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Ruth Clark

This was a much needed read this morning. Thank you Ruth! You wove together a lot of threads I’ve been thinking about lately (grieving, parenting, tantrums.) I actually read a book last night to my daughter called “The Rabbit Listened” that is all about this concept - have you read it? The educators and parents you work with are so lucky to have you!

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Aw thank you Alex! I’m glad it spoke to you, though I’m so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with grieving lately. I haven’t heard of this book, I’ll look it up!

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This. And, “Most adults don’t have the tools they’re asking small children to use.” When K was little we visited another family who had a chart on their kitchen wall about reparenting and filling in our own developmental stages as our children were navigating them. What a revelation. It wholly altered my worldview.

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